Tentang Sekolah SMA Al Qolam

SMA Al Qolam di Cirebon menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas dengan lingkungan belajar yang mendukung dan inovatif untuk pengembangan siswa yang holistik.

A group of school children wearing red hats and white uniforms are standing in front of a green wall, saluting towards an Indonesian flag. Trees are visible above the wall, and a sign in the background displays the message about not littering.
A group of school children wearing red hats and white uniforms are standing in front of a green wall, saluting towards an Indonesian flag. Trees are visible above the wall, and a sign in the background displays the message about not littering.
A group of young individuals dressed in white outfits, with two holding books titled 'Detik Detik' which partially cover their faces. They are standing outdoors, possibly in a garden or courtyard, with greenery and a few buildings in the background.
A group of young individuals dressed in white outfits, with two holding books titled 'Detik Detik' which partially cover their faces. They are standing outdoors, possibly in a garden or courtyard, with greenery and a few buildings in the background.
A rural school courtyard with a few buildings surrounded by tall pine trees and distant mountains under a clear blue sky. The main building has a beige facade with a green roof, accessed by a narrow staircase with black railings. A signboard in front is written in Hindi.
A rural school courtyard with a few buildings surrounded by tall pine trees and distant mountains under a clear blue sky. The main building has a beige facade with a green roof, accessed by a narrow staircase with black railings. A signboard in front is written in Hindi.

Sekolah SMA Al Qolam

Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan generasi yang cerdas, berakhlak, dan siap menghadapi tantangan di masa depan.

Lokasi Sekolah

Sekolah SMA Al Qolam terletak di Cirebon, menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas untuk siswa dengan lingkungan yang mendukung dan fasilitas yang memadai.


Cirebon, Jawa Barat


08:00 - 15:00

Proyek Pendidikan

Sekolah SMA Al Qolam berkomitmen untuk pendidikan berkualitas tinggi.

A high school sign with the name 'Terra Sancta High School' in prominent red letters, set against a blue sky with scattered clouds. There is a wireframe structure resembling a tree or antenna on top of the sign. Air conditioning units and some industrial elements are visible in the background.
A high school sign with the name 'Terra Sancta High School' in prominent red letters, set against a blue sky with scattered clouds. There is a wireframe structure resembling a tree or antenna on top of the sign. Air conditioning units and some industrial elements are visible in the background.
Kegiatan Siswa

Kami mengadakan berbagai kegiatan siswa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka, termasuk seminar, workshop, dan kompetisi akademik yang mendukung pengembangan karakter dan prestasi siswa.

A large group of students in school uniforms, mostly in white shirts, are gathered outdoors in a school courtyard. Some are taking selfies while standing on colorfully painted sections of the ground. Others are mingling, and some are sitting on the ground. The building in the background has a tiled roof and is decorated with red and white bunting.
A large group of students in school uniforms, mostly in white shirts, are gathered outdoors in a school courtyard. Some are taking selfies while standing on colorfully painted sections of the ground. Others are mingling, and some are sitting on the ground. The building in the background has a tiled roof and is decorated with red and white bunting.
Program Unggulan

Program unggulan kami mencakup pelatihan kepemimpinan, pengembangan soft skills, dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dirancang untuk mempersiapkan siswa menghadapi tantangan di masa depan.